About Us
Know more About Moraza...
MORAZA HOLDINGS SDN BHD has been in business since 16th October 1995. Hence, as a company who wants to operate express bus services, Moraza Holdings Sdn Bhd is committed into providing the best service possible in line with its customer’s expectations and specifically towards developing the express bus transportation network system.
The government’s call for more to venture into business and to become successful entrepreneurs have encouraged the company to enter the express bus services sector. The company felt that the sector provides a golden opportunity and high in potential based on the general population’s needs and demands that are ever increasing.
A downtown in the global economy today is affecting income, for both the individual and businesses in the country. Indirectly, power of spending is decreasing and done with caution. With that in mind, the company has made a right decision by taking over and venturing into the express bus services sector to help control the deficit, by promoting cash transactions on individual expenses and indirectly contributing ideas to the nation’s economic recovery.
With the strength of a skilled workforce in their respective fields, we Moraza Holdings Sdn Bhd is confident of having the ability to meet the current satisfaction, requirements and needs of today’s markets. Moraza Holdings Sdn Bhd is now more mature and has taken the right steps to gain the trust of our customers in serving and providing the best service.
In order to accelerate operational output by means of commercialization, a more systematic and structured approach needs to be developed for use by the operators to achieve increased revenue and revenue generation.
High-tech management systems need to be absorbed into the operations of a company. However, many operators are confused in this technology whereby the operators only adopted the use of high-tech engines for their buses rather than their own management systems. The use of high technology is widespread among the bus operators in Europe, even in neighbouring countries such as Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong adopted high-tech systems in their company operations and management. With the use of the high-tech systems, they can ensure high yields and quality products and are the alternative to conventional operation systems.
Our Objectives
The SIDE OBJECTIVE is to acquire this company, as well as meeting the demand in providing high-quality and reliable express bus services. And among other reasons, to create a group of Malaysian-minded entrepreneurs with the knowledge and experience in their respective businesses, in addition to strong financial position. The express bus services provided by Moraza Holdings Sdn Bhd will showcase the company’s ability to have experienced board members in the field of express bus service transportation. With the approval of the funds to purchase express buses for Moraza Holdings Sdn Bhd, we will turn the company to become the most successful in providing express bus services, especially in Peninsular Malaysia.
The company will do its utmost in playing a role in the transportation industry, especially turning the express bus transportation in par with the world’s developed countries. The company’s Board of Directors also has the sincere intention to answer the government’s call in the bi-annual Visit Malaysia Year campaign, as well as Malaysia being a developed nation in the transportation industry by the year 2020, since our approved routes will be focused at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).
Vision & Mission
Producing high quality products by practicing high-technology practices in more systematic daily operations. Apply the latest in high-technology to produce high-quality products and savings in downtime.
Our Vision is to adopt the latest high-technology approach in the public transport sector and subsequently become an example to other operators
Our Mission is to offer the opportunity for our customers to enjoy the services they deserved, opening up employment opportunities with specific skill levels and providing excellent company’s share returns by producing high quality and systematic products
Our Fleets